Advanced CLI Features
File Provisioning
As a convenience, the Dockstore CLI can perform file provisioning for inputs and outputs.
File provisioning for some protocols, like HTTP and FTP, is built-in while other protocols are handled by plugins as documented here.
To illustrate, for this tool we provide a couple of parameter files that can be used to parameterize a run of bamstats.
In the following JSON file, this file indicates for a CWL run that the
input file should be present and readable at
. The
output file will be copied to /tmp/
(which should
be writeable).
"bam_input": {
"class": "File",
"path": "/tmp/NA12878.chrom20.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.low_coverage.20121211.bam"
"bamstats_report": {
"class": "File",
"path": "/tmp/"
The Dockstore command-line allows you to specify that the input file can be at an HTTP(S) location, an FTP location, an AWS S3 location, a Google Storage gs location, a synapse id, or a DRS URI in place of that path. For example, the following indicates that the input file will be downloaded under HTTP.
"bam_input": {
"class": "File",
"path": ""
"bamstats_report": {
"class": "File",
"path": "/tmp/"
Provisioning for output files works in the same way and has been tested with S3 output locations.
For some file provisioning methods, additional configuration may be required.
The below summarizes some of the plugins available:
Plugin |
Prefix |
Example |
Supported Operations |
s3:// |
s3://oicr.temp/ |
download, upload, set metadata on upload |
syn:// |
syn://syn8299856 |
download |
dos:// |
dos:// |
download |
gs:// |
gs://genomics-public-data/references/GRCh38/chr1.fa.gz |
download, upload, set metadata on upload |
For AWS S3, create a ~/.aws/credentials
file and a ~/.aws/config
file as documented at the following
Get more information on the implementing plugin at s3-plugin.
Google Cloud Storage
Automatically installed in Dockstore 1.6.0+
For Google Cloud Storage, you can download, upload, and set metadata on
uploaded objects with the gs-plugin. The plugin handles urls with the
prefix such as
. Get more
information on the implementing plugin at
For Synapse, you can add synapse-api-key
and synapse-user-name
to ~/.dockstore/config
under the section
Get more information on the implementing plugin at synapse-plugin.
Data Object Service (DOS)
Currently, no additional configuration is directly supported by the Data Object Service plugin. However, specifying a DOS URI will download a file with either built-in support or one of the plugins. If done through one of the plugins, that plugin may need to be configured, e.g., if a DOS URI leads to downloading a file from AWS S3, then you may need to configure your AWS S3 plugin.
Get more information on the implementing plugin at data-object-service-plugin.
Input File Cache
When developing or debugging tools, it can be time and space consuming to repeatedly download input files for your tools. A feature of the Dockstore CLI is the ability to cache input files locally so that they can be quickly re-used for multiple attempts at launching a tool.
This feature relies upon Linux
hard-linking. So when
enabling this feature, it is important to ensure that the location of
the cache directory (by default ~/.dockstore/cache/
) is on the same
filesystem as the working directory where you intend on running your
There are two configuration file keys that can be used to activate input
file caching and to configure the location of the cache. These are added
(or changed) inside your configuration file at ~/.dockstore/config
use-cache = true
cache-dir =
The former is false by default and can be set to true in order to
activate the cache. The latter is ~/.dockstore/cache/
by default and
can be set to any directory location.
File Provision Retries
By default, Dockstore will attempt to download files up to three times.
Control this with the file-provision-retries
parameter inside
Running Launchers with Extra flags
When running a tool or workflow, you may want to add additional
parameters or flags to the executor. You can do this by updating your
Dockstore config file (~/.dockstore/config
As an example, adding the following line to your config file will stop
from removing the Docker container and temp directory as
mounted on the host, and make it run in debug mode.
cwltool-extra-parameters: --debug, --leave-container, --leave-tmpdir
At times, cwltool
can create a large amount of output in addition to
the workflow’s standard output and error. This can lead to memory
problems in the Dockstore CLI. To avoid this, you can run in quiet
mode by adding the --quiet
You can add additional Java VM options to the command line for the Cromwell launcher. For example, by adding the following line to your config file you can provide the location of a Cromwell config file and memory pool requirements to the Java VM.
cromwell-vm-options: -Dconfig.file=/Users/mydir/cromwell.conf, -Xms256m, -Xmx2048m
You can add additional Cromwell options to the command line for the Cromwell
launcher. For example, by adding the following line to your config file you can
provide the -t
and --options
options to the Cromwell command line.
cromwell-extra-parameters: -t WDL, --options workflow_options.json
Alternative CWL Launchers
By default, the Dockstore CLI launches CWL tools/workflows using cwltool. However, we have an experimental integration with other launchers such as: - cwl-runner - Cromwell
Keep in mind that there are a few differences in how locked-down the Docker execution environments are between the launchers. So a workflow that succeeds in one may not necessarily succeed in another.
You can test all the launchers by cloning the dockstore-tool-md5sum
git clone
then test with cwl-runner, Cromwell, and cwltool using
dockstore tool launch --local-entry Dockstore.cwl --json test.json
after the required configurations have been made.
Even though it’s the default, you can also explicitly use cwltool by
adding the following to your ~/.dockstore/config
cwlrunner: cwltool
If your workflow platform provides the cwl-runner alias as the
platform’s default CWL implementation, you can activate it by adding the
following to your ~/.dockstore/config
cwlrunner: cwl-runner
You can launch CWL tools/workflows using Cromwell by adding the
following to your ~/.dockstore/config
cwlrunner: cromwell
Cromwell with CWL handles imports differently than cwltool with CWL. Cromwell requires imports of a workflow to be given in a zip directory, where the files are referenced relative to the root of the zip directory. With cwltool, the files imported are referenced relative to the file importing them. You can read more about how Cromwell handles imports here.
When launching local CWL workflows with Cromwell, we zip the directory where the primary descriptor file is located and use this zip file for imports. This way the imports are resolved relative to the primary descriptor. You should store your descriptor files in a clean directory if you can.
For remote launches, we download the zip directory as returned by the Dockstore API. Note that this should work for most cases where the primary descriptor is in the root directory of its git repository.
WDL Launcher Configuration
By default, WDL tools/workflows will automatically be run by the Dockstore CLI with the Cromwell version listed below.
CLI version |
Cromwell version used |
1.8 |
44 |
1.9 |
44 |
1.10 |
44 |
1.11 |
57 |
1.12 |
57 |
1.13 |
77 |
1.14 |
84 |
Additionally, you can override the Cromwell version in your
using for example:
cromwell-version = 84
The Dockstore CLI will attempt to download the version of Cromwell JAR file you specify from the Cromwell
download area to
You can test Cromwell by cloning the dockstore-tool-md5sum repository:
git clone
then test using
dockstore tool launch --local-entry Dockstore.wdl --json test.wdl.json
The cromwell-version mentioned in ~/.dockstore/config
also be used to specify the version of Cromwell used to launch CWL tools
and workflows if you set cwlrunner: cromwell
The Dockstore CLI has the ability to provide notifications via an HTTP post to a user-defined endpoint for the following steps: - The beginning of input files provisioning - The beginning of tool/workflow execution - The beginning of output files provisioning - Final launch completion
Additionally, it will also provide notifications when any of these steps have failed.
Define a webhook URL in the Dockstore config file with the “notifications” property like:
token: iamafakedockstoretoken server-url: notifications:
UUID can be generated or user-defined uuid in the dockstore launch command like:
dockstore tool launch --local-entry Dockstore.cwl --json test.json --uuid fakeUUID
An HTTP post with a JSON payload will be sent to the url defined earlier that looks like:
{ "text": "someTextBasedOnMilestoneAndStatus", "username": "your linux username", "platform": "Dockstore CLI 1.4", "uuid": "someUserDefinedOrGeneratedUUID" }
To disable notifications, simply remove the webhook URL from the Dockstore config file
If the UUID is generated, the generated UUID will be displayed in beginning of the launch stdout
Workflow Execution Service (WES) Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Workflow Execution Service API describes a standard programmatic way to run and manage workflows. See more information here:
The Dockstore CLI implements a WES client that allows users to submit a request to launch a workflow run, get the status of a run, or cancel a run at a WES endpoint.
The Dockstore CLI will not transmit local files referenced in an input JSON
to the WES endpoint. Therefore, we recommend that an input JSON that has a
file input use a URL (not a local path) that
points to the file that the WES endpoint can resolve. For instance, in the
examples below if the input file test.json references a file then
the URL should be an https, gcs, s3, etc. URL like
Get help on WES commands:
dockstore workflow wes --help
Get help on the WES command to launch a workflow:
dockstore workflow wes launch --help
Launch a workflow run (–local-entry is not supported), e.g.:
dockstore workflow wes launch --entry --json test.json
Launch a workflow run and override the WES URL and credentials specified in the config file:
dockstore workflow wes launch --entry --json test.json --wes-url --wes-auth 'Bearer <my token>'
Get status on a run (a run id is returned in the response from launching a WES workflow run):
dockstore workflow wes status --id <run id> [--verbose]
Cancel a run (a run id is returned in the response from launching a WES workflow run):
dockstore workflow wes cancel --id <run id>